Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What is Reality? What is Actuality?

Reality is our's, what is actual is the building blocks to all realities. There are only three things that are actual. Two of which are consciousness and energy. The third is no thing or the void- space time continuum. We are a product, a manifestation, of those three things which together make up us as omnipresent or the one. What makes them actual and everything else not? Well! Everything that is manifest has beginning and end. We are born, carry out a cycle of life and then we die. Consciousness and energy was, is and will be- no beginning no end.  The void has no point of reference or boundaries, again- no beginning no end. All things, manifestations come from these three actualities and have a point of origin a beginning and an end. When we refer to these three actualities as an entity we use words like God, Allah, Yahweh and such. When we refer to these three actualities as a place, words like Heaven, Cosmos, Valhalla, Shangra La, etc. are used. Words belong to the human factor, remember that they have limitations and the endless three do not. So, what is real? Our world and environment is real, it is a shared reality. How each of us sees our world and environment is each one of us' personal reality. The realities of the universe are forever changing. Consciousness is forever creating, energy is forever in action, moving. The void is an empty cup forever being filled.

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