Saturday, February 19, 2011


Energy is the building blocks of manifestation. It is always in motion. Energy vibrates causing it to exist, to be. The higher the rate of vibration the purer the energy. Starting from the purest we have spirit energy, then light and heat, magnetism/gravity/electricity, atomic energy and substance/matter. In all actuality there is no separation between consciousness, energy and the void, they are all one. Spirit energy is the breath of life which is in all breathing things. Light in it's purest from is so brilliant that no eye can view it. There are many aspects of light such as ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear and many others yet to be discovered. Magnetism/gravity/electricity are the glues that holds the universe together. Atomic energy (atoms) are the building blocks, the lego's of the universe. Substance/matter is the end result of these building blocks, the worlds, the realities. In affect what is actual creates what is real.

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