Sunday, February 27, 2011


Meditation is how we atone to the total consciousness. Basically, it's listening to the source of the all. To meditate successfully, first clear your mind of the every day bull crap. The easiest way to do that is by taking several long deep breath's while concentrating on a single thing. For instance concentrate on visualizing that you are standing outside of a golden cathedral with massive iron doors that has beautiful bas relief art work of angel's. As you visualize this, zone in on one of the angel's pick one that really attracts you. Image this angel is your guardian, feel the love pouring into you from this celestial guardian. As you get more deeply centered on the angel, listen to whatever it is you hear. Pick your own visualization if you'd like. Another one I use is sitting on a log at a river near some waterfalls. I meditate on the sound of the falls while pin pointing a particular rock that the river is flowing around. I pay attention to the way the rock breaks up the flow of water as it juts out of the river. Before I know it I'm deeply aware of the source of consciousness and I listen. Let go of all thoughts and listen. As you come out of the meditation, write down what you heard immediately. You will lose what you heard quickly. It is a good idea to keep a diary of your meditation results. As you start to fill it up, read over the results that you have had. Your atonement to the cosmos, source of things will be almost overwhelming. In fact it will be beneficial to ground yourself after each meditation once you start becoming overwhelmed. To do this take a few deep breaths, drink some cold water and have a snack.

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