Sunday, February 27, 2011
Pray is the way that we petition, talk to the cosmos, the total consciousness, the source. Pray is not necessarily a religious function, however peoples of many religious beliefs do pray. Matter of fact lots of religious peoples use meditation also, but most think of it as a metaphysical function. The human race has used both very many many era's. As meditation is listening, pray is speaking. You petition the source for what it is you pray or you just thank the source for whatever blessings you've received. Whatever you're praying for it should always be positive, never negative. Never petition for a curse on someone. Pray for good health and fortune for your family, relatives and friends. Do a healing pray for all those that are afflicted and diseased. Pray that our leaders of the world are kind, wise and strong to lead the world toward a better place for everyone and everything. Pray that everyone comes together and learns to live amongst each other in harmony and peace. It is a good idea that when you pray to prepare yourself first. Do the deep breathing exercise and forgive yourself of any mean, hurtful things that may have crossed your mind or that you may have done that day. I suggest first do a healing pray- name each family member and friend that you know needs healing, then ask for an overall healing of those who need it. After that, petition for whatever it is you feel you need to. Be sure it is positive. Then say a pray of thanks. Do this everyday at the end to the day. At each meal it is a good idea to do a pray of thanks for the food and ask to help those who are needy. Remember, if your are continually doing negative, harmful, mean things those actions will contaminate you and make you ill of mind, body and soul. Pray, meditate and be good.
Meditation is how we atone to the total consciousness. Basically, it's listening to the source of the all. To meditate successfully, first clear your mind of the every day bull crap. The easiest way to do that is by taking several long deep breath's while concentrating on a single thing. For instance concentrate on visualizing that you are standing outside of a golden cathedral with massive iron doors that has beautiful bas relief art work of angel's. As you visualize this, zone in on one of the angel's pick one that really attracts you. Image this angel is your guardian, feel the love pouring into you from this celestial guardian. As you get more deeply centered on the angel, listen to whatever it is you hear. Pick your own visualization if you'd like. Another one I use is sitting on a log at a river near some waterfalls. I meditate on the sound of the falls while pin pointing a particular rock that the river is flowing around. I pay attention to the way the rock breaks up the flow of water as it juts out of the river. Before I know it I'm deeply aware of the source of consciousness and I listen. Let go of all thoughts and listen. As you come out of the meditation, write down what you heard immediately. You will lose what you heard quickly. It is a good idea to keep a diary of your meditation results. As you start to fill it up, read over the results that you have had. Your atonement to the cosmos, source of things will be almost overwhelming. In fact it will be beneficial to ground yourself after each meditation once you start becoming overwhelmed. To do this take a few deep breaths, drink some cold water and have a snack.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The present is all we have, the moment, the now! We live the moment and nothing more, the human factor (us) are here in the space time continuum. The body is our vehicle for which we travel the reality that we live. The more we advance our mode of travel- automobiles, trains, airplanes, etc- the quicker we travel and the further we travel. It is essential to our growth personally and as a race, that we each learn to empower ourselves with creative action so that we use our time (now) effectively. The moment is all we ever really have, the now. Our past is history, the actions of our past will reflect itself in the present. The future is not here until the moment becomes the past and in turn the future becomes the moment. The actions of the past and present build our futures. We are here now, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but NOW! So, to make the most out of the present we must learn how to use each moment creatively. The real leaders of our race know this and they are the ones who have built empires, civilizations and advanced us through technology. If it wasn't for them we all would still be in cave's eating raw meat and waving clubs at each other. These leaders understand how to empower the moment and to co-create. So, remember the now is all we have- use it wisely.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Book of Life
The Book of Life is the memory of consciousness. You must learn to read it in order to co-create effectively. It is filled with all past, present and future realities. If you learn to tap into the past, it will better help you to direct and guide your present reality. You will be able to make your future what you want it to be. However be for warned- you know like the story of the genie who grants three wishes, be careful what you wish for. Some can even tap into the future section of the Book of Life. True prophets such as Nostradamus did just that. The famous biblical Moses also did that and so did many other prophets. But, be aware that for every one true profit there is probably one thousand false profits. The best thing to do is learn how you can tap into this cosmic book and be your own prophet.
PS: A little more on prophets, I received a comment about this blog and I want to clarify something. When we look at the future we must remember that there is no set direction. Free will can change or redirect what will happen, however the past and what is done in the present make's the future and that allow's for a certain amount of fore-site. A prophet has the ability to tap into the Book or Life and get a much clearer fore-site then most of us.
PS: A little more on prophets, I received a comment about this blog and I want to clarify something. When we look at the future we must remember that there is no set direction. Free will can change or redirect what will happen, however the past and what is done in the present make's the future and that allow's for a certain amount of fore-site. A prophet has the ability to tap into the Book or Life and get a much clearer fore-site then most of us.
Macrocosm is all the realities that have been created by the three actualities, which we will call cosmic blueprint for lack of a better phrase. Universe is just another word for the void. However universe is referring to the void as it is in it's state of being filled with realities. It it the heaven's to some. For every action there will be a counter action, (cause and effect) this is called karma. There is no separation, everything is connected.
Microcosm is us, the human factor, as consciousness creates and manifests realities using energy and the void, this cosmic blueprint grows. We the people are like Hubble telescopes for the cosmic blueprint. Each human being is a mirror image of the macrocosm. Therefore we have ability to co-create, to make changes, direct what may or will happen. Karma does not have to be chaotic, consciousness will direct it even though it may appear to us as chaos. We can tap into the blueprint and direct consciousness and have input to the blueprint. First we must learn how to tap deep into the center of consciousness.
Microcosm is us, the human factor, as consciousness creates and manifests realities using energy and the void, this cosmic blueprint grows. We the people are like Hubble telescopes for the cosmic blueprint. Each human being is a mirror image of the macrocosm. Therefore we have ability to co-create, to make changes, direct what may or will happen. Karma does not have to be chaotic, consciousness will direct it even though it may appear to us as chaos. We can tap into the blueprint and direct consciousness and have input to the blueprint. First we must learn how to tap deep into the center of consciousness.
The Void
The void can be rather difficult to fathom, because it is not, it is no-thing if you will. The void is the sandbox of the universe, a place for manifestations to manifest. It is the space-time continuum, a place for creation to run its course. The void is to the three actualities as cold is to heat or darkness is to light. cold and darkness both are nots, do not exist as so the void. They are the lack of heat or light. For instance, an artist starts a painting on a blank canvas or an engineer starts a blueprint on a blank sheet of paper- hence a canvas or sheet of paper The Void!!! Of course a canvas or paper have edges, boundaries were as the void does not. It has no boundaries or point of reference (beginning).
Energy is the building blocks of manifestation. It is always in motion. Energy vibrates causing it to exist, to be. The higher the rate of vibration the purer the energy. Starting from the purest we have spirit energy, then light and heat, magnetism/gravity/electricity, atomic energy and substance/matter. In all actuality there is no separation between consciousness, energy and the void, they are all one. Spirit energy is the breath of life which is in all breathing things. Light in it's purest from is so brilliant that no eye can view it. There are many aspects of light such as ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear and many others yet to be discovered. Magnetism/gravity/electricity are the glues that holds the universe together. Atomic energy (atoms) are the building blocks, the lego's of the universe. Substance/matter is the end result of these building blocks, the worlds, the realities. In affect what is actual creates what is real.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
What is consciousness? It is the blueprint of all manifestation. The planner- the driver- the doer- the motivator. Consciousness was (memory) is (being) and will be (becoming). It is the creator, the experimenter, the observer. There is one consciousness, however it permeates all things. The native Americans, ancient Kelts and many other ancient peoples believed that life was in all things not just plants and animals. This is true in the sense that consciousness is planning, driving, being and moving all things and that is what life is. When we look at another we are looking in a mirror so to speak. We are all one, individuallity is part of reality, an illusion. Cosmic conscienceness (supreme awareness) is the Godhead, the orginator of all.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
What is Reality? What is Actuality?
Reality is our's, what is actual is the building blocks to all realities. There are only three things that are actual. Two of which are consciousness and energy. The third is no thing or the void- space time continuum. We are a product, a manifestation, of those three things which together make up us as omnipresent or the one. What makes them actual and everything else not? Well! Everything that is manifest has beginning and end. We are born, carry out a cycle of life and then we die. Consciousness and energy was, is and will be- no beginning no end. The void has no point of reference or boundaries, again- no beginning no end. All things, manifestations come from these three actualities and have a point of origin a beginning and an end. When we refer to these three actualities as an entity we use words like God, Allah, Yahweh and such. When we refer to these three actualities as a place, words like Heaven, Cosmos, Valhalla, Shangra La, etc. are used. Words belong to the human factor, remember that they have limitations and the endless three do not. So, what is real? Our world and environment is real, it is a shared reality. How each of us sees our world and environment is each one of us' personal reality. The realities of the universe are forever changing. Consciousness is forever creating, energy is forever in action, moving. The void is an empty cup forever being filled.
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